What is a Call Girl?


A call girl is a sex worker who does not work in a brothel or similar institution, but is instead hired by clients via telephone and provides services at the client’s chosen location. She is usually paid more than street prostitutes, and exercise a greater degree of discretion over which clients she accepts. She may also charge higher rates.

Generally, the most successful call girls are well educated and intelligent, stylish and sophisticated, and above all discreet. Most also dress and live well, emulating the kind of upper class image that the general public would find difficult to believe if they knew about her profession. This conventional image contributes to the allure of the call girl, as it creates a sense of mystery that is part of her allure. Resource amoroushug.com

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In addition to the intimate sex, many call girls are skilled at providing sensual pleasure and companionship, and may use a variety of massage techniques. They may also engage in erotic role-playing scenes with their clients, depending on the wishes and needs of the client. Married men sometimes report that they visit call girls to discuss topics they do not wish to discuss with their wives, and single men often cite call girls as an alternative to a girlfriend.

During the bonding phone conversation, you should make sure to keep it light and casual. Avoid ‘confessional’ style conversations, as these can suck up the time and kill any chance you have of getting her into bed with you. You should also lower your voice slightly to sound confident and assertive – this will help in arousing her.

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